Saturday, September 15, 2007

Me Familia

So today I'm going to talk about my family. I have an amazing family, and I love them very much. I love it when we all get together and have a big party at my house. It's a good time. I have 4 siblings, all of which are older than me. Yeah, that's right, I'm the baby. I like being the baby for certain reasons, but when I was younger I really hated it. I always got picked on and bossed around, but it's really paying off in my older years. I get to do things my brothers and sister didn't get to do. It's pretty exciting.

Here's all of us at my brother's wedding. From Left to right it goes Sylvia, Dylan, Brandon, Natalie, and then Trevor- he was the one getting married. From oldest to youngest though, it is Natalie, Brandon, Trevor, Dylan, Sylvia. Natalie is married and has one child (Rachel, my niece) and another one on the way. Her husband's name is Paul. My brother Brandon is not married yet, and Trevor beat him to the punch. Trevor married another Rachel and they live happily in Virginia as Newlywed college students. So there's the main part of my family. All of us are older now, and it's weird to see us all together like that. I'm finally taller than my sister, and almost as tall as Brandon, but not quite. Why am I telling you all this, do you ask? I don't know, I guess it's just so I don't have to explain things when I'm writing about them because you'll already know about it. It's pretty nice I suppose. But anyways, I think I'll end it there. Carry on, good chaps, carry on.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The First Week of School

Hooray! School finally got off to a good start. I think that I'm going to like school this year. I'm going to be working my butt off, but it will be so good. It's been a while since I've really had to work hard at my schoolwork. I really like a challenge when it comes to school. It may be easier to do regular classes, but what do you get out of it, seriously? Meeting a lot of people who don't care about their education. I did work in Physics last year, but it's definitely not going to be the same this year. I have 3 AP classes and 2 CC classes, so this is not a year to doddle. True, my CC classes are Adult Roles and Computer Technology, so it probably won't be as hard as it sounds. Plus, I got cool people in my Adult Roles class. That class is going to be a hoot! It already has been quite an enjoyable class due to the fact that a lot of funny people are with me. It's way fun. I'm thinking we're going to be sticking it to the man in adult roles, or, as the case may be, woman. Yeah baby!

So other than school, I've pretty much had an awesome weekend. I got to hang out with my little niece! She is so adorable. Just have a look yourself.

Her name is Rachel and I love her very very much. She likes to walk by and say "Hi Syl!" and then she goes up to everyone and says "Hi ____!" It's so cute I want to kill myself. She's a little dislexic too because she calls our dog named Toby "Poty." and cup "puc" and stuff like that. She also can't say the f sound so she says sork and sood and sone. Adorable, I tell you what.
Anyways, I also got to sleep in (hooray!!) and I was able to receive my Patriarchal Blessing. That is such a wonderful thing to have that I would invite anyone who likes feeling good about themselves to get it. It's a once-in-a-lifetime expirience that I will never ever forget.
Well, I hope all of you have had a good time on this vast weekend, and I'd like to leave you with a simple quote: "Live in such a way that people who know you but don't know Christ will want to know Christ because they know you." -Bishop H. David Burton
If you live this way, you will be happy. I know it with all my heart. Believe it! Live it! Be true to it! Stand a little Taller!